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A meeting is all about the experience. From intimate, business meetings and incentive trips, Sunscape Sabor Cozumel offers flexible meeting space and outdoor venues, perfect for family-friendly occasions. With 1,656 sq. ft. of dedicated meeting space in one meeting room, our meeting planners arrange everything from the room arrangement and fun-filled team building activities to elegant gala dinners and creative theme parties.  

Unique Features

Meeting space 

Dedicated event space and outdoor venues add excitement and a new level of energy and fun to your next meeting. These rooms are easily adapted to the unique requirements of your meeting or special event and arranged in several room layouts to make sure everyone has a seat. 

Team building 

The resorts offer plenty of activities to add some fun into the schedule. From water sports to cooking demonstrations, your attendees grow closer when they work together.  

Food and beverage

 From private breakfasts and coffee breaks to cocktail receptions and gala dinners, your meeting attendees delight in gourmet cuisine and a variety of beverages to keep them energized throughout the day and night. Our chefs consider any food allergies and needs when planning the menu.

Ready to Book Your Event?

Our sales team is ready to tell you more about Sunscape Sabor Cozumel and how to book your next budget-friendly and brag-worthy events here. Contact the AMResorts’ Meetings & Incentives sales team by email (, phone (1-610-359-6500) or visit

Sunscape Sabor Cozumel